Book Language: Spanish

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Medikidz Explican La Epilepsia

Comic Book in Spanish. Vivimos en Medilandia un planeta con forma de cuerpo humano. Nuestra mision es ayudarte a entender…

© 2014 Dra. Kim Chilman-Blair y Shawn deLoache
Audience: Children

Net Cetera Español

Netcétera es una guía para padres, maestros y otros adultos que pasan tiempo con niños. Esta guía ofrece recomendaciones e…

Audience: Parent, Professional

¿DÓNDE ESTÁ OSITO? Where is Bear?

¡Conoce a Tigre, Osito, y sus amigos del bosque, Pajarito, Rana, Zorro, y Tortuga! En este fantástico relato interactivo y…

Libby Martinez
Audience: Children

Tacos Anyone? / Alguien Quiere Tacos?

Michael is a four year old with Autism. His older brother, Thomas, doesn’t understand why he behaves as he does….

© 2005 Ellis, Marvie
Audience: Children

Way To Grow! Strong Bones And Teeth

Gives tips to both children and parents on how to grow and keep healthy teeth and bones. Discusses the benefits…

© 2009 Warren, Dianne
Audience: Children

Featherless / Desplumado

Book Cover, Featherless / Desplumado

At his new school or on the soccer field, all everyone wants to know is why Tomasito is in a…

© 2004 Herrera, Juan Felipe
Audience: Children
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