Adam And The Magic Marble

Book Cover, Adam And The Magic Marble

A marvelous story of three heroes – Adam, Chris (both have Tourette syndrome), and Matt (who has cerebral palsy). Constantly taunted by bullies, the boys find a marble full of magic powers that are nearly impossible to control. They accidentally aim a magical spell at the bullies, and … the adventure begins. Humorous and delightful, this fantasy will take you from laughter to tears and happily back to laughter again every time you read it. Exciting reading for all ages, and a must for those who have been diagnosed with Tourette syndrome or other disabilities. Ages 8 and up.

© 1991 Buehrens, Adam And Carol
Audience: Children
Contributors: Buehrens, Carol, 1954-
ISBN: 1878267302
Language: Eng

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