The Adventures of Stretch More: Pick-Your-Path Stories for Solving Problems Together

Meet Stretch More, a rubber-band character who loves video games and skateboarding, but also has behavior issues that frequently get him in trouble. Stretch is very inflexible! If you know a child like Stretch — one who has difficulty adapting to changes, handling frustrations, and problem solving — then this book can help! The book includes three pick-your-path stories and at key points in each story, you get to pick what happens next, as Stretch learns to solve problems together with his parents and teacher. For children ages 8 to 13 years who have ADHD, Tourettes, OCD, or Asperger’s. It also includes an information section for parents.

© 2014 Trina Epstein & Ross Greene
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Children, Parent, Professional

©2025 NHFV - New Hampshire Family Voices · 603-271-4525