The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit was created to serve as a guide to assist families on the journey from adolescence to adulthood. This kit will serve as a guide that can provide you with options to think about and explore as you and your adolescent with autism begin to plan for adulthood. The guiding principle used in developing this kit is that all individuals with autism, regardless of the level of support needed, should be able to live lives filled with purpose, dignity, choices, and happiness. With this in mind, the development of self-help and self-advocacy skills is highlighted throughout this kit. The kit has been broken down into different sections. You may want to read the kit in its entirety or work on a section at a time. At the end of each section, resources specific to that section are provided, as well as forms to help you keep track of the many pieces that constitute a transition plan. Since the transition process is different in each state, they have also developed timelines for each state, with state agency information that may be helpful to you throughout this process.
♥ This guide has been printed out and is available through the Lending Library as well.
© 2011
Audience: Parent, Professional