Ben, King Of The River

Book Cover, Ben, King Of The River

Chad can’t wait for the camping trip. He just hopes his brother, Ben, won’t ruin it. Ben was born with a developmental disability, and though he’s five, he doesn’t always act it. Ben doesn’t like new things, and sometimes his behavior is embarrassing. Chad loves Ben, but life with him can be frustrating. The camping trip is great, and Ben especially loves being in the water. He splashes and plays and holds his hands high, like he’s King of the River. But Chad sees some boys who make fun of Ben. The brothers encounter the same boys later and Chad expects the worst. But when he introduces Ben, something surprising—and wonderful—takes place. Ages 5 and up.

© 2001 Gifaldi, David
Audience: Children
Contributors: Johnson, Layne, ill.
ISBN: 0807506354
Language: Eng

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