Buster and the Amazing Daisy

Book Cover, Buster and the Amazing Daisy

Daisy White was not crazy. Clumsy maybe, but definitely not crazy. In this exciting adventure story, Daisy, who has autism, defeats her bullies and overcomes her fears with the help of Buster, a very special rabbit. All is going well until a terrible fate threatens Daisy’s new friend Cody. Will Daisy be able to gather her courage and special talents to save him? Buster and the Amazing Daisy is not just a humorous and engaging story. It will also give its readers an insight into the hopes and dreams, as well as the fears and frustrations, of many children.

© 2002 Nancy Ogaz
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Children, Parent, Professional
ISBN: 9781843107217
Language: Eng

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