How to Raise a Drug-Free Kid: The Straight Dope for Parents

Nearly every child will be offered drugs or alcohol before graduating high school. The good news is that a child who gets to age twenty-one without smoking, using illegal drugs, or abusing alcohol is virtually certain never to do so…and kids who learn about drugs from their parents are much likelier to resist these temptations. Based on nearly two decades of research at The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, this book offers advice and information on how to prepare your child for the crucial decision-making moments and on many of the most daunting parenting topics, including: When and how to talk to your kids about drugs and alcohol, how to respond when your kid asks, “Did you do drugs?”, and how to know when your child is most at risk.

© 2009 Joseph A. Califano
Audience: Parent

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