It’s A Girl Thing: How To Stay Healthy, Safe, And In Charge

An easy-to-read magazine-style guide for girls on “staying healthy, safe and in-charge.” Mavis Jukes covers everything from how to buy a bra to birth control, from sexually transmitted diseases to coping with the unexpected onset of a period away from home. Issues such as setting healthy boundaries, trusting feelings, and being able to go to adults for help are discussed in a tone that is frank, entertaining, and gently authoritative without sounding condescending. Though most girls this age will know more about these subjects than parents ever dreamed, the subjects are dealt with accurately in way that helps build self-confidence and character in girls at an extremely vulnerable time in their lives. Ages 10 and up.

© 1996 Jukes, Mavis
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Children, Parent

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