Learn To Sign The Fun Way! Let Your Fingers Do The Talking With Games, Puzzles, and Activities in American Sign

Book Cover, Learn To Sign The Fun Way! Let Your Fingers Do The Talking With Games, Puzzles, and Activities in American Sign

The perfect guide to signing for everyone! Never before has learning to sign been so simple and so much fun! Whether you are a teacher or a parent, this lively self-guided book of American Sign Language (ASL) will quickly become your kids’ new favorite teacher! Activities are for both the individual, and for groups (such as the classroom).

© 2001 Warner, Penny
Audience: Parent, Professional
ISBN: 9780761532637
Language: Eng

“Eight-year-old Connor Westphal can't hear her mother laugh, her dog bark, or her friends say "Hello," but she understands a joke when her mother explains it in sign language.”
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