Learning Activities For Infants And Toddlers: An Easy Guide For Everyday Use

Book Cover, Learning Activities For Infants And Toddlers: An Easy Guide For Everyday Use

Offers caregivers, home visitors, and parents more than 100 learning activities based on the latest research on infant and toddler development. The easy-to-use format includes simple steps for preparation, a list of low or no-cost materials, and a “home connection” to involve parents and expand the activity at home. Symbols link each activity to a chart of development so that caregivers and parents can plan appropriate learning activities. Learning Activities for Infants and Toddlers makes it simple for caregivers to make every moment with the child a learning opportunity!

© 2000 Betsy Squibb With Sally J. Deitz
Audience: Parent, Professional
Contributors: Jean Iker (Illustrator)
ISBN: 1889544124
Language: Eng

“This book offers caregivers and parents strategies for supporting infant and toddler development based on the latest information available on how infants and toddlers grow and learn.”
©2025 NHFV - New Hampshire Family Voices · 603-271-4525