Rae: My True Story Of Fear, Anxiety, And Social Phobia

Book Cover, Rae: My True Story Of Fear, Anxiety, And Social Phobia

Since she was a little girl, Rae Swiggett knew something was different about her. The sound of planes flying overhead could spark a panic attack. Being called on in class was enough to push her over the edge. She feared the unknown, life, death, people . . even fear itself. By the time she reached ninth grade, Rae was muddling through life in relative silence, convinced everyone was mocking her, judging her, picking her apart, bit by little bit. Rae knew she couldn’t keep going on this way. She knew something had to give. Very honest story.

© 2010 Swiggert, Chelsea Rae
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Parent, Professional
ISBN: 0757315275
Language: Eng

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