Strategies To Improve Sleep In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders – A Parent’s Guide

Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) latest tool kit: Sleep Strategies for Children with Autism: A Parent’s Guide. Written by ATN sleep experts, through their participation in the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P), this publication provides parents with strategies for improving sleep in children affected by autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Like all ATN tool kits, Sleep Strategies draws its recommendations from the experience of specialists and the evidence-based findings of research involving children and families dealing with autism. It includes information and tips on issues such as: Creating a comfortable and sleep-conducive bedroom environment; Establishing sleep-conducive daily schedules and bedtime routines; and an informational booklet designed to provide parents with strategies to improve sleep in their child affected by ASD. Tips are applicable to other families as well. Available through the library as a print out or you can download here –  Strategies To Improve Sleep In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Speaks
Audience: Parent

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