Take Control Of Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties

Book Cover, Take Control Of Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties

A unique guidebook written especially for kids with dyslexia and other reading difficulties to help them overcome their reading struggles and find success in school and beyond. The handbook addresses the fundamentals of reading for elementary and middle school students, speaking to students directly in easy-to-understand language with charts, graphs, and illustrations. Unlike most books that focus on the “how-to’s” of reading, this book teaches kids what reading is all about. They will learn about the different skills involved in the reading process, why learning how to read can be difficult, tips for studying and completing homework more easily, and what kinds of strategies and technologies might help improve their reading abilities. By interviewing other kids with dyslexia and reading difficulties, the authors offer insight into the frustrations that come with reading difficulties and provide encouragement to push forward to reading success. Ages 10 and up.

© 2012 Janet Engel Fisher & Janet Price
Audience: Children
Contributors: Price, Janet, 1964-
ISBN: 9781593637484
Language: Eng

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