The Dyslexia Checklist: A Practical Reference For Parents And Teachers

Book Cover, The Dyslexia Checklist: A Practical Reference For Parents And Teachers

The Dyslexia Checklist is a valuable guide for parents and teachers that can help them better understand children and teenagers with dyslexia and other reading- and language-based disabilities. The book relays the most current research available and is filled with practical strategies, supports, and interventions. Using these tools teachers and parents can accommodate the needs and strengthen the skills of students with reading and writing disabilities across all age levels. The book is presented in a simple, concise, easy-to-read checklist format and is filled with useful advice and information on a wide range of topics.

© 2010 Rief, Sandra F. Ma & Stern, Judith M. Ma
Audience: Parent, Professional
Contributors: Stern, Judith M.
ISBN: 0470550317
Language: Eng

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