The Little Engine That Could

Book Cover, The Little Engine That Could

Braille and text version

© 1986 Watty Piper
Audience: Children, Parent
Contributors: Hauman, George, ill., Hauman, George,, Hauman, George., Project S.H.A.R.E.'E.M., Kendall Demonstration Elementary School., Sanderson, Ruth, ill., Guo, Enhui., Smouse, Phil A., ill., Hauman, Doris., Newton, Lawrence J., Hauman, Doris, ill., Long, Loren, ill., Ong, Cristina, ill., Moseley, Keith, ill., Hauman, Doris,, Lenski, Lois, 1893- illus., Gallaudet College. Pre-College Programs., Walz, Richard, ill., Bragg, Mabel C. 1870-1945.
ISBN: 9780448401010
Language: Spa

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