Thicker Than Water: Essays By Adult Siblings Of People With Disabilities

In this thought-provoking essay collection, thirty-nine adult siblings reflect on how their lives have been indelibly shaped by their relationship with a brother or sister with special needs. This book reveals both positive and negative aspects of growing up with someone who might have received the lion s share of his parents attention or who now requires extra support as an adult. These compelling essays express a diverse range of sibling experiences and attitudes. Contributors range in age from 20 to 70 and have siblings whose disabilities include Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, seizures, visual impairment, fragile-X syndrome, intellectual disability, or mental illness. Several essays demonstrate how experiences vary based on a writer s age and generation. Many older contributors grew up when disabilities were stigmatized; younger contributors can attest to changing attitudes and greater acceptance of people with differences. Some contributors have chosen to work in a disability field or service profession and credit their siblings for influencing their career choices; others have pursued dreams far removed from a disability field.

© 2009 Meyer, Don (EDITOR)
Audience: Adolescents/Teens, Parent
Contributors: Meyer, Donald J. 1951-
ISBN: 1890627917
Language: Eng

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