Yoga For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Step-By-Step Guide For Parents and Caregivers

Book Cover, Yoga For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Step-By-Step Guide For Parents and Caregivers

Having successfully used yoga to combat the stress of their own busy lives, Dion and Stacey Betts discovered its potential for their son Joshua, who has Asperger Syndrome. This fully-illustrated book combines the authors’ professional expertise with their experience of parenting, offering a range of gentle and fun yoga positions and breathing techniques that are effective in dealing with the increased levels of anxiety, disorientation and tactile sensitivity often found in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

© 2006 Betts, Dion E. & Betts, Stacey W.
Audience: Parent, Professional
ISBN: 9781843108177
Language: Eng

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