Category: General C.A.R.E Training for Parents, Caregivers and Direct Care Staff caring for Autistic Children

C.A.R.E Training for Parents, Caregivers and Direct Care Staff caring for Autistic Children

All Day
October 7, 2022

Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) Connections is a trauma-informed way for any adult to interact with any autistic child or teen. It seeks to increase positive child-adult interaction, child compliance, and child engagement.

CARE uses ideas and skills derived from evidence-based, positive parenting programs. CARE is not therapy, but can complement ongoing therapeutic services. During this three-hour training participants will learn a skill set that will enhance child-adult relationships in any setting with autistic youth ages 2-18.

The training will be held on October 7th, 8:30-12 in Concord.

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