Category: General Disability Diagnosis Dialogues Panel - ABLENH

Disability Diagnosis Dialogues Panel - ABLENH

December 1, 2020

Online Event

ABLE NH hears concerns from families about how they received a pre- or postnatal diagnosis of disability. In an effort to improve how and what families are told regarding life with a disability in the early stages of their journey, we are hosting a virtual panel with families and experts.
This panel is a resource for healthcare professionals to help them understand the impact of their delivery of a diagnosis of disability, and an invitation to consider joining our team planning 2021 continuing education workshops.
This event is also an opportunity for New Hampshire families to share their own experiences. Your stories are important to us!
ABLE NH recognizes that changing the social narrative on disability from “disability is outside of the normal human experience” to instead describe disability as a “natural part of the diversity of human experience,” is critical to delivering justice and equity to the lives of people who happen to experience disability.
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