Category: General Journey into the Many Possibilities!

Journey into the Many Possibilities!

June 23, 2023 June 25, 2023

Location? Hilton Garden Inn, Manchester NH
What? Topic: Traveling Confidently!
Students will travel to the Manchester airport (MHT) and work with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to simulate the TSA checkpoint security line. Participants will learn first-hand how to successfully travel through the security line and learn about where their bags and technology go during the screening process.
Students will also hear from airport personnel regarding careers in the airport/travel industries.
This is going to be a fun and exciting weekend, and we hope you can attend!
Please mark your calendars and RSVP to Dana Trahan at
Get ready to journey into the many possibilities!
When? Friday, June 23 – Sunday, June 25, 2023!
©2025 NHFV - New Hampshire Family Voices · 603-271-4525