Category: General Level Up and Find Your Path” Community Event June 1st

Level Up and Find Your Path” Community Event June 1st

June 1, 2023

Are you between the ages of 17 and 25 and not sure where your career path is going yet? Are you
looking for guidance toward getting your degree? Are you interested in training or an apprenticeship
that could lead to a good job with benefits? Are you worried that college isn’t for you because of a
disability? Are you confused about how to pay for college or how to get training? Well, let us help you
level up and find your path toward your career!
White Mountains Community College and VR New Hampshire are excited to be co-hosting a community
event on June 1st at WMCC from 4:30 to 6:30 in the Bistro. Attending this evening event may be life-
changing if you are still not sure how to find the resources and information that could assist you in
getting started on your career journey. Let us help you remove doubts, barriers, and confusion and
empower you to take charge of your future!
The “Level Up and Find Your Path” event will feature complimentary light refreshments, a mini tour of the college
campus, exhibitors from VR New Hampshire, White Mountains Community College, Early College and
Running Start, NH JAG, Coös Adult Education, Workforce Development with White Mountain Paper
Company, The NHHEAF Network, The Family Resource Center, NH Family Voices, and the Parent
Information Center. Participants in this event will be able to talk to the various exhibitors and learn
what we have to offer you for support as you transition into your next life stage.
If you would like more information, please contact Lynne Bacon at White Mountains Community
College, 603-342-3059, or email to register for the event (by May 25th). If you need
accommodations, please call VRNH and ask for Tina at 603.271.3993 by May 18th. Hope to see you

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