Category: General Project Search: Preparing and Equipping Young People with Significant Disabilities for the Workforce and Completive, Paid Employment

Project Search: Preparing and Equipping Young People with Significant Disabilities for the Workforce and Completive, Paid Employment

November 2, 2022

Project SEARCH is a transition-to-work program for young people with significant disabilities designed to immerse them into the workplace and provide them with onsite classroom instruction, career exploration, and various worksite rotations through the host business. Upon completing Project SEARCH, participants will continue to engage in activities that will help them to gain competitive, paid employment. Locations throughout New Hampshire include Concord, Lebanon, Keene, Nashua, and Portsmouth.

Join us for a two-part workshop series designed to provide families and guardians with a program overview of Project SEARCH, including the necessary application, eligibility, and funding requirements in order to participate in the program.

In this session, participants will learn:

What is Project SEARCH
Program application and eligibility requirements
Details about Project SEARCH sites throughout New Hampshire


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