Category: General Raising the Bar: Mental Health Advocacy in the N.H. Legal System

Raising the Bar: Mental Health Advocacy in the N.H. Legal System

October 14, 2020

Hosted by NH Children's Behavioral Health Program, Riverbend Communiity, NAMI NH

For decades, states have required law students to answer questions about their mental health treatment before they can practice law.

However, a wave of support has been building to remove questions about mental health from the character and fitness reviews of bar applicants.

In this discussion, we will hear from Sofia Hyatt and Victoria Saxe, two 3L UNH Law School students who successfully advocated to eliminate the mental health questions on the NH Bar Exam. In our conversation, we will explore their advocacy efforts and the impact these discriminatory questions have on applicants and the diversity of the legal profession.

The panel will be moderated by Michele Merritt, New Futures' CEO and President, and will also feature John Broderick, Dartmouth-Hitchcock's Sr. Director of External Affairs and former Chief Justice of the NH Supreme Court, Terri Harrington, Executive Director of NH Lawyers Assistance Program, and Juli Hincks, Attorney at McGrath Law Firm.

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