August 12, 2020
Early Childhood Chat Room Virtual Discussions!
There are so many considerations for reopening district preschool programs in the fall it may seem overwhelming.
- Deb Hunter, Director of The Children's Learning Center @ Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth Hitchcock
- Teri Ann Cox, Executive Director of The Children’s Center in Wolfeboro
- two child care and preschool programs that remained open during the pandemic will join us to share their experiences problem solving some of the same challenges specific to young children that you will be facing when school is back in session.
In order to help facilitate the discussion, please send any questions you would like addressed to jcunha@picnh.org by Aug 5.
Register: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eh82rna92afd28d2&oseq=&c=&ch=