Category: General Town Hall Discussion on COVID 19

Town Hall Discussion on COVID 19

January 22, 2021

This Friday, January 22nd @ 12 pm Community Partners will be hosting a Town Hall style meeting with the Community Support Network (CSNI) to discuss the latest updates for the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Jonathan Ballard and Dr. Elizabeth Talbot will be sharing helpful information in regards to the COVID-19 vaccine and will be available to answer your questions.

Community Partners has the opportunity to be a vaccination site for our clients' ages 16 and older.

At this time, our COVID-19 Team and Executive Director are working with the Strafford County Public Health Network to determine exactly how many vaccines we will receive and when our vaccination site will open. This does take time, however, we are working on finalizing this information as quickly as possible.

If you would feel more comfortable consulting your child’s Primary Care Physician to determine the next steps please feel free to do so.

This meeting was put together on short notice so we are working on getting this information out as quickly as possible.

If you cannot attend this meeting, please know it will be recorded and shared on our Community Partners YouTube page ( will also relay to families once the recording is available.

If you have specific questions that you’d like to ask, please send an email to Heather Young, asap

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