Category: General What is Self-Care? What does it mean to "Fill Your Bucket"? - Seacoast Mental Health

What is Self-Care? What does it mean to "Fill Your Bucket"? - Seacoast Mental Health

January 27, 2021

Self-Care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain mental & physical health and to prevent and deal with illness and/or stress. But how?

Join us for the kick-off to our new series about taking care of yourself, especially during stressful times. Our first two speakers will talk about the concept of self-care and what it really means. They are both experts regarding the complete mental and physical benefits of self-care techniques.

Our hope is that you leave this event empowered and excited to care for yourself and to join us for our future activities and sessions!

Come for some conversation and to get your questions answered!


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