Paws for Ability is a nonprofit organization out of Ohio whose mission is to place quality service dogs with children…
Resource Categories: Service Dogs
Assistance Canine Training Services (ACTS)
Assistance Canine Training Services, or ACTS for short. ACTS is an entirely volunteer based organization with puppy raisers and breeder…
Assistance Dogs International (ADI)
Assistance Dogs International (ADI) is a coalition of not for profit assistance dog organisations.
Canine Assistants
Canine Assistants service dogs assist children and adults with physical disabilities or other special needs in a variety of ways….
Canine Companions for Independence
Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly…
Canine for Disabled Kids
Canines for Disabled Kids works to support the creation of child-canine service dog teams to promote independence and social awareness….
Dog Guide Users of New Hampshire
The Dog Guide Users of New Hampshire is a voluntary group of people that have service dogs or have interest in working…
Dogs for Better Lives
Certified professional staff train and place Assistance Dogs with individuals who experience deafness; with children who are on the autism…
Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc
The Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to promoting increased independence to men and women who are blind by…
Gilford’s Golden Guardians
Offers Autism service dogs, medical alert and emotional support dogs. Offers puppies and training. Click here for Facebook page.
Golden Opportunities for Independence, Inc.
Provides service dogs to those living with physical and psychological disabilities in order to provide greater independence and a higher…
Guide Dogs of America
Guide Dogs of America provides guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired
International Hearing Dog, Inc.
International Hearing Dog, Inc. rescues dogs from local animal shelters, trains them to assist the hearing impaired then places them…
Josh Provides
Founded by the Chapnick family, JoshProvides is a 501(c)(3) public nonprofit charity, based out of Sarasota, Florida and serving individuals…
Leader Dogs for the Blind
Leader Dogs for the Blind provides guide dogs to people who are blind and visually impaired to enhance their mobility, independence…
Little Angels Service Dogs
Little Angels is located in Bartlett, New Hampshire. They have a group of dedicated and highly skilled trainers that ensure…
Merlin’s KIDS
Merlin’s KIDS is located in Midland, NJ and rescues and rehabilitates shelter dogs transforming them into individually trained service dogs…
NEADS Inc., formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services and Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans) is a…
New England Pet Partners, Inc.
New England Pet Partners Inc. is a non-profit organization – that trains, evaluates and supports Registered Pet Assisted Therapy and…
NH Law and Service Animals
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Service Dogs are allowed to accompany their handlers anywhere the individual with…
Paws 4 Independence
Paws 4 Independence is an organization providing a service dog and training to assist children, individuals and veterans with diabetes,…
Paws With A Cause
Paws With A Cause enhances the independence and quality of life for people with disabilities nationally through custom-trained Assistance Dogs….
Snowy Pines White Labs
In the heart of the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas, lays a 120-acre field where our white labrador puppies are born,…
The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation
The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation exists to raise awareness of SUDEP and use it to grant comfort, hope and positivity to…