Additional Special Education Resources and Services

The Southeastern Regional Education Service Center (SERESC)

Bedford, NH
Telephone: (603) 206-6800

SERESC offers a wide range of clinical and therapeutic services designed to meet each child’s needs. Most services are provided through the child’s district, while some are offered directly to the child.

Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs)

Extended Learning Opportunities, or ELOs, are credit-bearing learning experiences outside the traditional classroom. They provide limitless options to deeply explore fields of study and career paths that students are passionate about, including those that may not be available through their school curriculum, and may even provide an alternative pathway to fulfilling graduation requirements. NH schools are required to have a policy about ELOs, even if they do not yet offer them. For more information, see Beyond Classroom’s site.

Next Steps NH

Next Steps NH is a project to increase the college and career readiness of New Hampshire students with disabilities or those at risk of dropping out of school. The project will do this through the implementation of evidence-based transition practices. Their website offers a multimedia training and reference tool about the transition IEP process, including what must be part of it and what must be written into the IEP itself. For more information, see Next Step’s site.

Learning Disabilities Association of NH

Concord, NH

The NH Learning Disabilities Association is a private, non-profit, volunteer organization of parents and professionals dedicated to promoting better understanding, education, and services for individuals with learning disabilities. NHLDA is the State affiliate of LDA of America, Inc. A grassroots organization, NHLDA provides programs, practical information, and support for parents, professionals, and individuals with learning disabilities.

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