Adult Education

NH Department of Education— Bureau of Adult Education

101 Pleasant Street
Concord NH 03301-3860
Telephone: Main Office (603) 271-3494 or Bureau of Adult Education (603) 271-6699

The mission of the New Hampshire Bureau of Adult Education is to:

  • Provide a variety of educational opportunities to empower adults to become lifelong learners
  • to support individuals in identifying and achieving their potential academic and/or career goals
  • to assist students to become active participants in their communities.


  • Adults who have not received a high school credential
  • Adults who do not have the academic skills equivalent to a high school diploma
  • Adults who do not read, write, or speak English.

Programs include:

  • Adult Education and Literacy Activities – Free classes to improve basic reading, writing, and math skills or to learn English. All locations also offer tutoring services and career counseling.
  • Adult High School – Adult high school diploma programs offer classes for high school credit. Adults who leave high school before graduation can take the courses they need to earn a diploma.
  • Adult Learner Services—(Tutoring Services) Each region in New Hampshire has a Volunteer Coordinator who assists adults with accessing adult education services.
  • Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education– free English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESL) courses offer students whose first language is not English and who are 18 years or older and not enrolled in school an opportunity to learn to speak English as well as understand American customs
  • NH High School Equivalency (GED)—The High School Equivalency Testing (HiSET) Program allows adults and out-of-school youth to demonstrate their academic skills and earn the New Hampshire High School Equivalency Certificate.
  • High School Equivalency Transcripts – The Bureau provides transcripts and verification of high school equivalency certificates.

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