Clark School for Hearing and Speech

Clark school is located in Northampton, MA. Clarke is a listening and spoken language program, which means that they teach children to listen and speak, rather than use sign language. At Clarke, children use cochlear implants and hearing aids to maximize their access to sound, and specially trained teachers, audiologists and speech language pathologists help them develop listening, literacy and spoken language skills to maximize their learning. Their website has many interesting resources for families. They also run summer programs:

Summer Adventure – July 13 – 25, 2014

Clarke’s Summer Adventure is a two-week summer camp for children ages 9 – 14 who are deaf and hard of hearing. Held in Easthampton, Massachusetts, Summer Adventure offers campers the opportunity to interact with other children with hearing loss from all over the country, make new friends and have lots of fun! This program is designed for children with hearing loss who communicate using listening and spoken language. For more information, contact Martha A. deHahn, 413-587-7387 or

Explore the Outdoors – August 3 – 6, 2014 (Teens entering grades 9-12)

Explore the Outdoors is a special four-day program for teens with hearing loss entering grades 9-12. Participants will explore nature through camping, hiking, swimming and outdoor rock climbing in beautiful Western Massachusetts. This program is designed for teenagers with hearing loss who communicate using listening and spoken language and provides an excellent opportunity for teens in the mainstream to connect. Exploring will be led by experienced Teachers of the Deaf and young adult role models. For more information, contact Kaitlyn Millen at

101 Ideas for Families with Infants who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

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