Additional Healthcare Insurance Resources

Covering New Hampshire

The Covering New Hampshire website is the official resource for Granite Staters to learn about the Health Insurance Marketplace and the affordable health insurance plans that are now available.

Covering NH makes getting insurance through the Marketplace as easy as possible by helping consumers understand healthcare law and how it affects them. It also provides details about new health insurance plans that are available to Granite Staters through the Marketplace.

For assistance, call (800) 318-2596.

For more information about healthcare coverage through the Marketplace, go to

The New Hampshire Insurance Department

Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (800) 852-3416 or (603) 271-2261

The NH Insurance Department provides information about companies offering Health Insurance in NH, Individual Health Plans, Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), IRS information on MSAs, Short-Term Medical Plans, Health Maintenance Organizations in New Hampshire, Long-Term Care Insurance, and Small Group Health Plans (1-50), as well as legal information.

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