Easter Seals Military and Veteran Services

Service members/families enrolled in the program get their own Care Coordinator, an experienced counselor who assists you as a “one-stop” source for a wide range of support. The Care Coordinator will meet with you and help you establish a plan tailor-made for your unique situation. That same Care Coordinator will be there for you and your loved ones to help you deal with problems or concerns as they arise before, during, and after the deployment. Some of the things your Care Coordinator can help with:

– Planning to have wide range of family & personal needs met during deployment

– Identifying and accessing all kinds of supports and services before,during, and after deployment, including (but not limited to):

Counseling (individual, couples, children)

Employment assistance (resumes, career counseling, job placement)

Childcare and respite resources

Helping children deal with adjustment issues at home and in school; advocating at school

Helping navigate and access the healthcare system (civilian and VA) and cut some of the Red tape!

Budgeting and financial management

Emergency financial assistance

– Helping service member and family through the reunion and reintegration process

Link: Easter Seals Military and Veteran Services
Phone: (603) 621-3579

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