Retreats, camps and recreational programs for families with specific conditions from updates their database that provides a list of retreats, camps and recreational programs for people of all ages — and their loved ones — that are living with specific conditions each year. Retreats and recreational programs can offer an escape from the challenges of day-to-day living with a disease and often much-needed support. In the camps group, there are certainly traditional ones — such as woody places with hiking for children — but many listings have a much broader definition of the term “camp” and include a much wider age group range. It is worth checking out. You may be able to find help for yourself and your family you never even knew was possible.

Simply search for a program through diagnosis for medical conditions, such as cancer, as well as non-medical conditions, such as social, emotional, psychological or educational issues or even bereavement, for example. You can also search by program name, a sponsoring organization or program location and narrow your parameter by utilizing the age filter, financial assistance or American Camp Association (ACA) Seal.

Please keep in mind that programs listed are not necessarily free or for financially needy children and families. However, some do offer financial aid, so use the Financial Assistance search or contact the individual program for details.

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