NH Department of Education (DOE)

The NH Department of Education’s mission is “To provide educational leadership and services which promote equal educational opportunities and quality practices and programs that enable New Hampshire residents to become fully productive members of society.” The Department of Education offers a wide variety of programs and services in support of New Hampshire’s students, teachers, educators, administrators, families, and community members.


Bureau of Special Education

Federal statutes and State standards require that students with educational disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (F.A.P.E.) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). The Bureau of Special Education is responsible for the oversight and implementation of educational programs for New Hampshire students with disabilities. The Bureau provides technical assistance and support to lawmakers, public and non-public school officials, parents, and community members to enhance and ensure the quality of educational services provided to students with disabilities. It strives to assist in developing quality educational programs for all students.

Within these pages of the DOE, Special Education, one can find administrative rules, information on the surrogate parent program, as well as the laws and other pertinent information.

101 Pleasant Street
Concord NH 03301-3860
Telephone: (603)-271-3791
Website: https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-learner-support/bureau-of-student-support

Bureau of Student Wellness and Nutrition

In response to the needs of local school districts, the Bureau of Student Wellness and Nutrition comprises the Office of Nutrition Programs and Services, the Office of Social and Emotional Wellness, and the Office of School Health. Bureau teams work collaboratively with schools and communities to support the development of the whole child and all dimensions of wellness, including Emotional, Personal, Intellectual, Physical, Environmental, Occupational, and Social factors, by providing and promoting technical assistance, training resources, and leadership.

Link: https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-learner-support/bureau-of-student-wellness
Phone: (603) 271-3720

Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation

VR New Hampshire serves individuals, businesses, and students with disabilities. From job training and placement to school transition services to independent living support and services for the blind and visually impaired, VR New Hampshire offers a range of services to individuals with disabilities and those who support them. Learn more about our vocational rehabilitation services and specialized programs.

Link: https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/deputy-commissioner/bureau-vocational-rehabilitation/programs-and-services
Phone: 603-271-3471

Link: NH Department of Education (DOE)
Phone: (603) 271-3494

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