NH Health Insurance Marketplace “In-Person” Assistance

In New Hampshire, people can purchase Health Insurance through the NH Health Insurance Marketplace. Have questions? Want to learn more about the Marketplace? Want to start reviewing plan options? Professional in-person assisters are located throughout the state to provide free assistance.

Assisters are:

  • Trained and certified individuals.
  • Help you apply and enroll in a health plan with savings or apply for Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
  • Required to provide fair, impartial, and accurate information.

Navigators are:

  • Trained and registered by the Marketplace; licensed in their states
  • Generally paid by insurance companies whose plans they sell
  • Required in many states to act in a consumer’s best interest
  • Can refer customers for Medicaid/CHIP help

Because funding for assisters and navigators has changed and the list can change frequently, we encourage you to check for a local in-person assister on Healthcare.gov.

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