Standards for Systems of Care for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

This set of standards, built around a framework and the guidance of a diverse set of stakeholders, represents one of the first efforts of its kind to comprehensively and systematically collect and categorize system standards that affect Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) and their families. 

The standards address the core components of the structure and process of an effective system of care for CYSHCN. They were derived from a comprehensive review of the literature, early project guidance from more than 30 key informants, case studies of standards currently in use within selected sites, and input and guidance from a national work group comprised of national and state leaders representing state Title V CYSHCN programs, state Medicaid agencies, pediatric providers, health plans, children’s hospitals, families/consumers, health services researchers, and others. 

They are intended for use or adaptation by a wide range of professionals, agencies, and other stakeholders as a model for their standard of care.

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