The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is a national organization focusing on mood disorders including depression and bipolar disorder. DBSA offers peer-based, wellness-oriented support and empowering services and resources available when people need them, where they need them, and how they need to receive them—online 24/7, in local support groups, in audio and video casts, or in printed materials distributed by DBSA, chapters, and mental health care facilities.

The Balanced Mind Parent Network (BMPN) is an online support community for parents and caregivers to find connections, resources, and hope. The Balanced Mind Parent Network was created to connect parents across the world who are raising children living with mood disorders. Our family-focused community provides reliable information to caregivers about mood disorders, treatment, school accommodations, research, and more. The online community has groups, forums, and other resources to support you along your journey. The discussion boards are moderated by dedicated volunteers who are parents and caregivers themselves and understand the realities of raising a child living with a mood disorder diagnosis.

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