Unchartered Tutoring

Unchartered Tutoring provides educational enrichment combining art and science supplementing school (including homeschool) programs or in afterschool settings. We also assist

in summer camp programs and provide individual tutoring in art. Homeschooling groups have brought us in for their co-op days and individual families chose to sign up for our open enrollment classes. Sometimes, we provide the occasional small event workshop and corporate team-building exercise. All of our offerings educate using art. We are not a paint bar nor do we wish everyone to produce the same artwork or learn the same things from a given lesson. Everyone has different educational objectives. Everyone has different methods.

The majority of our employees have a disability or experience neurodivergence, including our founder. It means we connect with our students on a level that makes them feel heard.

Read the 2023 Stepping Stones NH Magazine to learn more about us: https://secure.viewer.zmags.com/publication/84a9fe6a#/84a9fe6a/1

Link: Unchartered Tutoring
Phone: (540) 724-6724

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