Wish Tree Consultants

Wish Tree Consultants recognizes that each child is a unique human being and has unique and individual educational needs. They are dedicated to improving outcomes for children living with physical, emotional, behavioral, developmental delays and learning disabilities throughout New Hampshire ages 3-21. Through Wish Tree you will receive an IEP coach who is an advocate and guide for families going through the special education process with their child. An IEP coach can be an invaluable asset to a family. Usually, a coach will provide families with expert consultation and continue to be an empowering voice for the children. They help families navigate and understand their rights under federal and state law, empowering so they can work in collaboration with their school district on behalf of their child. All with the end goal of allowing all children to have meaningful opportunities to participate in equal academic, social and emotional learning.

Link: Wish Tree Consultants
Phone: (603) 923-3316

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