Youth M.O.V.E. (Motivating Others through Voices of Experience) NH

Youth M.O.V.E. (Motivating Others through Voices of Experience) New Hampshire works as a diverse statewide collective to advocate for youth rights and voices in youth-serving systems. 

Who we are: Youth M.O.V.E. New Hampshire is a statewide Chapter of Youth M.O.V.E. National, which is a nationwide, youth-driven, membership organization that is dedicated to improving services and systems that serve youth such as mental health, juvenile justice, education, and welfare. Through our partnership with Youth M.O.V.E. National and NFI North, Youth M.O.V.E. New Hampshire advocates for young people to utilize their power and expertise to foster change in their communities and in their own lives while empowering them to pursue positive outcomes and a brighter future.  

What we do: M.O.V.E. stands for Motivating Others through Voices of Experience. And that’s exactly what we do! Our young staff and volunteers share their voices of experience through advocacy and leadership activities to change the very systems they have lived through. The organization engages young people to be equal partners in the process of change, while coaching others in the area of authentic youth involvement.

How we do it:

  • Uniting the voices and causes of young people in our state
  • Creating New Hampshire specific youth movement principles and policies
  • Developing youth-friendly webinars, training tools, guides, and other documents
  • Assisting in the planning and implementation of Youth Leadership Programs
  • Acting as consultants to other young people, providers, families, and other adults who seek more information about youth engagement and youth voice
  • Providing Youth Peer Support
  • Serving as active members of multiple steering committees which exist to improve the children’s behavioral health system in New Hampshire

Why we do it: We believe that every young person who enters a youth serving system should be empowered through opportunities, involvement, and leadership. Working as a collective voice to advocate for youth rights within all systems that serve young people in New Hampshire allows us to guide and support the redevelopment of these systems. Youth M.O.V.E. New Hampshire staff and volunteers are dedicated to actively working to ensure that our young people can become and remain successful and reach their fullest potential.

For further information about Youth M.O.V.E. New Hampshire and how to get involved, please contact us at!

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